Changes in Nature Quiz

1. How many high tides and low tides are there in one day usually?
A 1 high and 1 low
B 2 high and 1 low
C 2 high and 2 low
2. The term for organisms that are most active during the day is:
A nocturnal
B solar
C diurnal
3. The seasonal changes on earth affect a whale's:
A migration
B feeding
C breathing
4. The movement of the moon has a particular effect on animals in the:
A intertidal zone
B terrestrial habitat
C deep ocean
5. The decrease of the metabolism of an animal such as a bear during winter is called:
A hibernation
B sleeping
C hypermetabolism
6. The Mother's Day flower, chrysanthemum, flowers as a result of the:
A increasing number of hours of darkness each day
B decrease in temperature
C increase in light as the seasons change from summer to autumn
7. The chemical in environmentally unsustainable detergents that promote water plant growth in our rivers is:
A phosphate
B sulphur
C soap
8. When fertilisers find their way to the waterways causing an increase in algal growth and reduction in dissolved oxygen, this process is called:
A succession
B biomagnification
C eutrophication
9. The gradual increase in biotic diversity after a catastrophe such as a volcanic eruption is:
10. An example of a man-made catastrophe that damages large tracts of the environment is:
Copen cut mining
11. Most flowering plants are stimulated to flower because of the number of hours of:
Adarkness during each 24 hour period
Blight during each 12 hour period
Cwarm temperature
12. After land has been laid bare after mining, the first organisms to grow are:
Asmall plants with a high tolerance to environmental extremes
Bsmall carnivorous animals
Clarge herbivorous animals with a moderate tolerance to environmental temperatures
13. The development of larger plants and animals in a previously damaged area is called:
Aprimary succession
Bsecondary succession
Cprimary magnification
14. Two abiotic factors that affect crabs in the intertidal zone are:
Athe number of predators
Bthe amount of prey
Cdepth of water and amount of sunlight
15. Two chemicals that accelerate algal blooms are:
Achloride and nitrate
Bphosphate and carbonate
Cnitrate and phosphate


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Q 9:
Correct Answers
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Q 2:
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Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9: