Male Reproductive System Quiz

1. The type of reproduction where two reproductive cells join to form one cell that grows into a new organism is:
A asexual
B sexual
C parthenogenesis
2. The time when teenage boys begin to produce sperm is called:
A menopause
B maleopause
C puberty
3. The human male gamete is the:
A egg
B sperm
C pollen grain
4. The male sex hormone is:
A oestrogen
B adrenaline
C testosterone
5. The sac containing the testes is the:
A scrotum
B seminal vesicle
C urethra
6. The vas deferens is also known as the:
A epididymis
B sperm duct
C prostate gland
7. The fluid containing sperm is:
A scrotum
B semen
C testosterone
8. The erection of the penis is caused by:
A the hinged movement of the penis bone
B the spongy cell within the penis filling with blood before sexual intercourse
C the filling of the penis with semen containing sperm
9. To protect sperm from slightly acidic vaginal secretions after sexual intercourse, semen is:
Aslightly alkaline
BpH neutral
Cvery acidic
10. The release of sperm during sexual intercourse is:
11. The male gonad is the:
Cboth of the above
12. A secondary sexual characteristic of males is:
Adeep voice
Bpubic hair
Cboth of the above
13. Why does the scrotum hang outside the body?
Asperm formation
BpH regulation
Ctemperature regulation
14. In a healthy man, two substances that travel through the urethra at different times are:
Aurine and semen
Bsperm and semen
Cblood and urine
15. In the human male reproductive system, Cowper's gland produces fluid. The other two types of fluid-producing glands are:
Aprostate gland and seminal vesicles
Bprostrate glands and testicles
Curethra and testes


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Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9: